Cultural Humility: Why It’s a Healthcare Best Practice

  If you read this blog on a regular basis, you’ve heard of cultural competency – being able to work knowledgeably and respectfully with people across different cultures. To many healthcare professionals, it seems logical that learning about a culture will help them build closer patient relationships and make smarter care decisions. And there’s no […]

Is it Time to Go Back to School? Earn a Degree on Our Dime.

Are you a lifelong learner? If you work in healthcare, we’re guessing yes. From patient relationships to clinical collaboration, you learn – and teach – new lessons every day as a provider. But sometimes that on-the-job education needs to be supplemented with a formal degree or certification to get where you want to go. That’s […]

9 Practices for Building Health Equity

Psychologist leading group therapy session

“You never know who’s swimming naked until the tide goes out.” Warren Buffett might have been speaking of economics when he said that, but the principle applies to healthcare as well. Sometimes it takes a disease, an accident – or a pandemic – to reveal who’s really unprotected when a medical disaster hits. The determining […]

Meet Our June Nurse of the Month, Jennifer Schindler!

Meet Jennifer, our June Nurse of the Month! As Angelia Frederick, FNP says, “Jen is a breath of fresh air. Working with Jenny is a delight – her positive upbeat attitude makes the night go by with ease. Jenny is very knowledgeable and she’s the nurse you want by your side when things go south. I love […]

7 Ways HR Can Support Indigenous Health

human resources native american

If you’re American, you’re definitely familiar with the trifecta that rules our healthcare system: patient-provider-payer. But there’s an invisible fourth player hovering at the edges and that’s Human Resources – which influences everything from our mental health to the kind of care we get to our finances. And HR can have an outsized impact on […]