The Future of Indigenous Health: Meet Alyson Shirley

Alyson Shirley is a former Miss Navajo Nation who is a rising star in Indigenous health. She recently earned a master’s degree in global health from Arizona State University’s School of Human Evolution and Social Change. Today she works as an HIV Program Specialist for CAN Community Health, a non-profit that empowers patients affected by infectious […]
7 Practices for Overcoming Compassion Fatigue

Christina is ready to quit. She feels tired, numb, and cynical during every nursing shift; her coworkers and the high patient ratios at her hospital annoy her. At home, she’s overwhelmed by even small tasks on her To Do list, such as taking her car for an oil change or scheduling her dog’s vet appointment. […]
Meet our February Nurse of the Month: Clayton Yocham

Clayton Yocham is a one-of-a-kind nurse. A born adventurer praised for his calm and intelligent presence, Clayton has been described as “the kind of nurse you want to work with, a real team player” and “a truly gifted nurse.” We talked to him about his journey into nursing on Indigenous lands. Hi Clayton! I know […]
Long-Term Care for Native Americans Elders

Did you hear the good news about Native American elders? They are living longer, healthier lives than ever before. Yes, life expectancy is still lower than other U.S. racial/ethnic groups. But that’s improving. While there were only 42,000 Native elders over age 85 in 2012, Tribal nations are expected to have 300,000 by 2050. But […]
Meet Our January Nurse of the Month: Ken Vander Molen, RN

To kick off 2025, we’re profiling Ken Vander Molen. Ken is a former officer in the Army Nurse Corps, where he did two combat tours to Afghanistan working in Civil Affairs. He earned two bronze stars and a combat action badge. We saw that same courage here at Tribal Health when Ken helped launch our […]
7 Ways HR Can Support Indigenous Health

If you’re American, you’re definitely familiar with the trifecta that rules our healthcare system: patient-provider-payer. But there’s an invisible fourth player hovering at the edges and that’s Human Resources – which influences everything from our mental health to the kind of care we get to our finances. And HR can have an outsized impact on […]