Meet Our January Nurse of the Month: Ken Vander Molen, RN    

To kick off 2025, we’re profiling Ken Vander Molen. Ken is a former officer in the Army Nurse Corps, where he did two combat tours to Afghanistan working in Civil Affairs. He earned two bronze stars and a combat action badge. We saw that same courage here at Tribal Health when Ken helped launch our […]

Meet Nick Viazanko, Our December Nurse of the Month

Nick Viazanko hasn’t been with Tribal Health long, but he’s already won the hearts of our team. Says Zoe Sanabria, RN, “Nick exemplifies what it means to be a dedicated and passionate nurse. His unwavering positivity and enthusiasm inspire me; his persistence and commitment to excellence ensure that he consistently goes above and beyond in […]

Meet our October Nurse of the Month: David Means

Meet David Means (Oglala Lakota), a nurse who brings deep insight and a great sense of humor to his job in the ED. According to Keith Chisamore, “David has been a great addition to the ED in Pine Ridge. Not only does he bring hometown knowledge but also he has Big City Level 1 trauma […]

Meet Our September Nurse of the Month: Ash Davis, RN

Our September Nurse of the Month is Ash Davis, RN. A well-traveled nurse with considerable experience under his belt, Ash recently saved a patient’s life with his keen observation skills. Nurse Supervisor Todd Gilbert says, “Even though Ash is from Kentucky and is a Wildcat, being from Tennessee and a Volunteer, I still like and […]

Meet Our August Nurse of the Month: Euretta Kearns 

Our final nurse of the summer is Euretta Kearns, a Nebraska native. Euretta is praised highly on her team: according to Jenee Furman, “Euretta is a kind and compassionate nurse, not one quick to judge, and she’s strong in her clinical skills. She’s a team player every shift and you can tell she truly enjoys […]

Meet our July Nurse of the Month: Peggy Abrahamson-Syverson


Back in the early days of the pandemic, Tribal Health put together a Critical Care Response Team program. Our teams traveled all over the US, training teams in the protocols necessary to treat patients with COVID-19. Peggy was an integral part of our first CCRT team – and now she is back again with Tribal […]