Meet Our August Nurse of the Month: Euretta Kearns 

Our final nurse of the summer is Euretta Kearns, a Nebraska native. Euretta is praised highly on her team: according to Jenee Furman, “Euretta is a kind and compassionate nurse, not one quick to judge, and she’s strong in her clinical skills. She’s a team player every shift and you can tell she truly enjoys her role as a nurse.” 

Euretta’s skills go beyond nursing. “She is a great cook and makes the best guacamole!” says Meagan Ulmer, who added, “Euretta’s proactive learning attitude, teamwork skills, and adaptability make her a great asset to our nursing team in Pine Ridge.” 

Hi Euretta. Can you tell us why you chose to enter the nursing field? How long have you been a nurse? 

8 years.  I grew up in a very rural area so I asked myself what I could do where I could find a job no matter where I lived.  I pursued my education and worked as a CNA in a long-term rehab facility, where I met some amazing nurses. They made me want to be a nurse and make that same difference in so many lives.


How did you connect with Tribal Health? 

I always had a future goal of becoming a traveling nurse.  After doing my research,  I had a strong feeling to connect with Tribal Health. Growing up in western Nebraska, I’d seen some of the struggles some Tribal nations faced.  I always had that future goal of helping those areas.

I connected with Tribal Health because I wanted to be part of their lives and make an impact on the patients Tribal serves.


Had you worked on Indigenous lands before? 

No, this was my first time.



So now that you’ve met your goal, what is your favorite part of your job? 

Providing care to my patients; hoping I can make a difference in their lives. It may be a listening ear in medical emergencies, taking care of the patient and advocating for someone’s loved one.  A few months ago, I started routine care for a patient – and that patient turned to me and said, “I remember you! You were my nurse before. I feel safe and well taken care of when you’re my nurse.” I didn’t remember her but it was gratifying to hear that.

As well as getting to work with what I call my “work family.”


What advice would you give young nurses? 

If you’re providing care on Indigenous lands, educate yourselves on their culture. Respect their culture. There’s so much you can learn from your patients. Some of the hardships are generational. Never be afraid to ask questions. Make sure you take care of yourself, and on your days off, make sure you take time to do something you enjoy!


What do you do for fun off the clock? 

My favorite thing is spending time with friends and family. I love to travel and take my two sons on trips. Making memories together that will last a lifetime!  Costa Rica is my favorite destination I have traveled to.  Another place I love visiting is Charleston; my son Cade is in the Air Force stationed in Charleston and I love visiting him there. The beaches are beautiful, the people are friendly and the food is amazing!


Thank you, Euretta! 


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